Why Your BMW’s VANOS System Becomes Faulty

One of the most important parts on your BMW is its VANOS system, or valve timing system. This component is responsible for regulating your engine’s performance by changing the amount of lift and duration of valve opening. VANOS systems don’t exist in all vehicles, but most modern BMW models feature this type of system. This system allows your vehicle to maximize fuel efficiency and output while preventing excessive emissions. Understanding the role that VANOS plays in your model’s performance will make it easier to identify when this system starts to malfunction.

What Is the VANOS System?

The VANOS system is a mechanism that regulates the engine’s air-fuel mixture. This system uses a camshaft and gears to control the timing of the intake valve opening and closing. The reason for this is that BMW cars have 4-valve per cylinder engines, which means they are more efficient and powerful than 2-valve per cylinder engines. The VANOS system allows an engine to breathe better by improving its volumetric efficiency (VE). The VE refers to how well a given engine can fill up with air/fuel mixture during each stroke. Higher VE results in cleaner combustion, lower emissions, higher power output and better fuel economy. However, there are some downsides too; though it increases power output, it also increases harmful emissions like hydrocarbons (HC) oxides of nitrogen (NOx) carbon monoxide (CO) etc., because these emissions are inevitable effects caused by burning fuel at high temperatures inside an engine cylinder with insufficient oxygen supply for complete combustion The VANOS system, or valve timing system, is responsible for regulating your engine’s performance by changing the amount of lift and duration of valve opening. VANOS systems don’t exist in all vehicles, but most modern BMW models feature this type of system. This system allows your vehicle to maximize fuel efficiency and output while preventing excessive emissions. Understanding the role that VANOS plays in your model’s performance will make it easier to identify when this system starts to malfunction. When you have a fault with your BMW’s engine control unit (ECU), it can cause several different issues within the car including poor gas mileage and increased idling speed. To fix these problems, you could take the car into an auto repair shop where they can diagnose what exactly went wrong with ECU before replacing it altogether. However, this isn’t always necessary because many problems can be fixed at home simply by replacing some parts within an automobile – no matter how big or small those parts may be!


We hope you now understand why your BMW’s VANOS system is so important. If you notice any performance issues with your vehicle, make sure to contact our technicians immediately.